Tuesday, April 03, 2007

TV Shows I'm Watching - Lost (Episode 3.12)

Episode 3.12 – Par Avion

Main Story - *** out of 4

Claire and Charlie take the center stage in Par Avion. Charlie, having recently been handed down a death sentence by Desmond, is trying to live for the moment, but finds that living for the moment might actually kill him (it sucks when fate is out to destroy you – hey….wait…didn’t Charlie have that taped to his hand in the first episde). Charlie’s antsiness is difficult since Claire thinks she may have found a way off the island thanks to some nature programs and some birds.

Meanwhile, Kate and the gang encounter a bizarre new obstacle on their way to rescue Jack; a force field wall that kills anyone who passes through it. There’s a nice moment when they actually do realize it’s pretty lethal.

The two plots compliment each other nicely. Claire’s story gives her character some time in the spotlight, and attempts to reignite the sparks between her and Charlie. One of season two’s most unsuccessful subplots involved the two of them fighting all the time, so it’s nice to see them finding a way back into each other’s lives.

And the force field wall story helps to build up the mythology of the island, and show that Locke maybe isn’t as stupid as he appeared to be in the last episode. He had what in his pack? The force field wall poses several new questions that I’m sure will take three seasons to answer, but I’m in no rush since the story is obviously heading toward a big revelation or two – especially after that doozy (yeah that’s right…doozy) of an ending.

Flashback - ***1/2 out of 4

Unlike most episodes, the big twist is revealed in the flashback, and while it’s probably not a huge surprise for most people (especially since it was telegraphed in a big way last season), it makes for quite an emotional episode. We learn a lot more about Claire’s family, when Claire, in the driver’s seat, ends up in an accident that puts her mother in a vegetative state.

She meets her real father, and then has to contend with what she is going to do about her mother. It’s a very sad episode, showing that Claire is essentially an orphan, trying desperately to cling onto false hope regarding her mother. When a pregnant Claire finally breaks down in front of her comatose mother, it’s all painfully tragic, and manages to explain why Claire is often distant and solitary.

It’s a much needed flashback that finally gives weight to Claire’s presence on the island.

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